| |
- ENMrange(self, other, Srange, Orange)
- Utility function: compute Expected Number of Mismatches
- NCBpenalty(penalty=0)
- NLBPO(A, B, thresh)
- NLPO(A, B, thresh)
- OVLP lambda A, B, w=2
- averagemotifs(motifs, ovlp=2, template=None, DFUNC=<function negcommonbitsrange>, VERBOSE=1, prop='')
- averagetxts(txts, ovlp=2, VERBOSE=1)
- centroididx(Dmat)
- coalesce(motifs, DMIN=0.22)
- coarsecluster(motifs)
- computeDmat(motifs, VERBOSE=0, DFUNC=None)
- diffrange(self, other, Srange, Orange)
- Utility function: compute diff of
- entropyrange(self, other, Srange, Orange)
- Utility function: compute diff of
- estimate_frequency(motif, k, samples=100000, thresh=0.69999999999999996)
- etestdiff(t1, t2, OVLP_FCN)
- genNCBpenalty(penalty=0)
- main()
- minshortestoverhangdiff(A, B, minoverlap=6, want_offset=None, DFUNC=None)
- negcommonbitsrange(self, other, Srange, Orange, PENALTY=0)
- Utility function: compute common bits in self and other
Common bits are computed using this expression:
SUM [ max(PENALTY,min(bitsA,bitsB)) ] (Penalty usually == 0)
where bitsA = Pb_ij * log(Pa_ij / Q_j) [i = position, j = base letter]
- negcommonbitstest(t1, t2, OVLP_FCN=None)
- negprobproductrange(self, other, Srange, Orange)
- Utility function: compute sum of products of probabilities
- probOvlp(A, B, thresh=0.69999999999999996, verbose=None)
- probOvlpBinomial(A, B, thresh=0.69999999999999996, verbose=None)
- showdiffXvert(motif, seq, OVLP_FCN=None, DIFF_FCN=None)
- The funtion converts the sequence to a Motif, computes the D
of the best alignment, and prints the alignment that generated
that D.
- snegcommonbitsrange(self, other, Srange, Orange)
- snegbits -- between 0 and 1?
- snegprobproductrange(self, other, Srange, Orange)
- sneg -- between 0 and 1?
- testdiff(t1, t2, OVLP_FCN=None, DIFF_FCN=None)