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- annotation2orfs(anno_or_txt)
- # List all orfs associated with an annotation
- annotations(orf)
- # List annotations for an ORF
- gene2annotations(gene)
- # List annotations for a gene
- geneprobelistmatch(gene, probelist)
- # Which annotations for a gene are also assocaited with probes bound in the
# Yeast6k array (e.g. from a particular experiment)
- load_GO()
- orflist2categories(orflist, thresh=0.050000000000000003)
- Which categories are overrepresented among orflist. Thresh is applied after Bonferroni
Returns: sorted list of tuples, [(signifance, category), (significance, category), ...]
- orflist2categories_long(orflist, thresh=0.050000000000000003)
- Which categories are overrepresented among orflist. Thresh is applied after Bonferroni
Returns: Sorted list of tuples, [(signifance, category, fracall, fracsub, orflist), ...]
- orforflistmatch(s_orf, orflist)
- Which annotations associated with s_orf are significantly overrepresented in orflist?
- orfs2cats(orflist, thresh=0.050000000000000003)
- [[Same as orflist2categories]]
Which categories are overrepresented among orflist. Thresh is applied after Bonferroni
Returns: sorted list of tuples, [(signifance, category), (significance, category), ...]
- probelist2categories(probelist, thresh=0.050000000000000003)
- Which categories are overrepresented among probes bound in in a Yeast6k array experiment?